The Julidochromis regani, also known as Regan’s Julie or Convict Julie, is a dwarf species of cichlid endemic to Lake Tanganyika123. Here’s a detailed profile of this species:
- Scientific Name: Julidochromis regani12
- Common Names: Regan’s Julie, Convict Julie12
- Origin: Lake Tanganyika123
- Max Size: 12 inches (30cm) in the wild, but rarely grows larger than 6 inches (15cm) in aquaria1
- Lifespan: Not specified, but similar species can live 5 to 8 years
- pH: 7.5 – 9.01
- Temperature: 73 – 81°F (23 – 27°C)1
- KH: 10 – 25°H1
- Minimum tank size: 110 litres for a single mated pair1
- Diet: Omnivore3
The Convict Julie is a small, slender, and elongated ray-finned fish2. Its pale to golden yellow body features a varying black stripe pattern, depending on which part of the lake the fish originates from2. All Julidochromis regani have four slender lateral black stripes that run the length of the body, although some variations have the fourth stripe exclusively on the head2. On the dorsal fin, the stripes are vertical2. The outer edge of the caudal, dorsal, and anal fins is white, while the pectoral fins are yellow2. Sexing is difficult, but males do have a small genital papilla and females are generally plumper than the male2.
This species is less of a rock dweller than other members of the genus1. It’s more often found over sandy bottoms with scattered rocks, although it still spawns in rocky caves1. It is territorial but can be maintained successfully with other Tanganyikan cichlids1. It should be kept as a pair unless the tank is very big as it is aggressive towards conspecifics1.